Karine Silla is a French actress, writer and director, known for A Butterfly Kiss (2011), Peau d’ange (2002) and Il est plus facile pour un chameau (2003). She wrote with Vincent Perez the scenario of The Edge of the Blade (2023). She will also present her
documentary films, On the Set of Forever Young (2022) and Mixing (2023) during the festival.
Karine Silla 是一位法國演員、作家兼導演。她的成名作包括《蝶吻》(A Butterfly Kiss, 2011),《天使的肌膚》(Peau d’ange, 2002)及《對駱駝來說做白日夢更容易》(Il est plus facile pour un chameau, 2003)。2003 年推出的新片《劍走偏鋒》的劇本是她與 Vincent Perez 合作編寫。電影節期間她將會親自來港向觀衆介紹她的紀錄片《承傳》(On the Set of Forever Young, 2022)。
Cinema Sessions
Wed, Nov 22nd, 7:45 PM | PALACE ifc (CENTRAL)
Post-Q&A in the presence of Karine Silla